Friday, May 3, 2013


Make a wish kids! I remember hearing that as a child when a shooting star raced through the sky. I’m still guilty of being a dreamer because I still make wishes when I see a shooting star, but I never thought in a million years it was just a meteoroid blazing through the Earth’s atmosphere. Earth is such an amazing planet and a planet that continuously fights against asteroids, comets, or anything that can possibly collide and destroy. Earth has had many meteorite impacts that have caused permanent marks across the world, such as the Meteor Crater in Arizona. These meteorites appear from the inner part of the Solar System and from the asteroid belt. Asteroids are small bodies orbiting the Sun. The meteorites can cause great damage to the living creatures depending on size and speed of the debris once it enters on Earth. My question is how can a community or the Earth survive and stay resilient if a massive meteorite does make an unexpected appearance. Well the problems for life from major impacts are not always the greatest outcome. Just imagine if a 10km diameter asteroid splashes into the ocean causing a tsunami, a bubble of a stream, and causing global warming changing the climate to the complete opposite.
Safety Tips
  • PRAYER- If a massive asteroid larger than 10km diameter hits Earth. There will be fatalities, but we have to remember this is God’s plan not ours.
  • Build a underground bunker that has no windows and that is strong enough to survive a blast.
  • Store Food that is nonperishable, batteries, water, and even weapons
  • Gain some military skills and tactics once it’s okay to leave the bunker (Survival of the fittest).After impact, new kingdoms and nations will arise, and more than likely, their rulers will want to conquer others, including your area. This will enable you to survive, even allow your descendants to exist without someone conquering them, enslaving them. Like it or not, life will be a really brutal affair after the impact, and this has been proven in past human history

Abbott, P. L. (2012). Impacts With Space Objects, Chapter 16. In P. L. Abbott, Natural Disasters. New York City: McGraw-Hill.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that prayer is the best answer and that God's will will be done.
