Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why Resilient?

       Why Resilient? Why not? Ever since the age of 9, I have known two things to be true during the spring time, basketball season is in full effect and channel 9 news is reporting a tornado warning. Did you know that about 100 people die a year from tornado devastation in the United States. Doesn't sound like a lot when there is over three hundred million people living in the United States alone, but the loss of life has the greatest impact on families as well as the communities. Resilience has taught  many Oklahoma communities many lessons through out the years that demolished homes and broken spirits can be mended by working together. The importance of living in a Resilient Community is to create bonds with people who live within the community to ensure togetherness, safety, and preparedness in case the community is impacted  by a possible effecting change. As I mentioned earlier living in Oklahoma I have been warned several times that a tornado could possibly be in my area. Well, the good part is that I have never had the experience of being effected by a tornado's rage, but I do understand that I should be prepared along with my community. Below I have listed a few steps on building a more resilient community around angry tornado's

1. Join the Neighborhood Association-This is an importance because how can one be a part of a community that one doesn't know.

2.Create, Develop, and KNOW the emergency plan- How will one know what to do when the tornado is reaching close to making one nonexistent

3.Always have a First Aid kit, food, and water stored in the place where you plan to seek shelter- Remember a person could need medical attention or the regular daily need of food and water.

4. Batteries, Flashlight, and Radio- Prepare to lose power.A flashlight will give light. A tornado will not go around power lines, and a radio will be a great communication device to get quick updates about the dangerous storm. Batteries will be needed to ensure that the flashlight and radio is well equipped and working.

5.Know where to Seek Shelter.-If the house does not have a storm shelter find a location that is safe and nearest to home.

These are only a few tips to remember, but knowing these few important tips can save lives and promote a resilient community.

Works Cited

wiseGEEK. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 30, 2013, from wiseGeeks clear answers for common questions:

1 comment:

  1. Very engaging introduction, gives a new meaning to March madness. I pray that you never have to go through a tornado, and suspect that you will be there for others who were not as fortunate.
